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Sunday, February 14, 2010

I love you

Happy Valentine's Day, to all!
Valentine's Day isn't just for the romance between lovers, but for love as a whole.
Saint Valentine was cared for by a blind, peasant girl while he was in jail. Valentine prayed for her health and on the day he was to be executed, her sight was restored.

Caring for someone is what Valentine's Day is about, even if that someone is you.

So, I hope that everyone enjoys Valentine's Day in their own way: hang out with friends, be with your love, watch movies, etc.... but make sure to love one another and always remember to love yourself.


Patti said...

Happy Valentine's Day Rose!

Ekanthapadhikan said...

Belated but Happy Valentine's, dear friend! You've said it right - "Caring for someone is what Valentine's Day is about, even if that someone is you".

EP said...

Happy belated Valentine's Day, friend! I hope yours was wonderful because I know mine was, even if it was totally non-traditional.

How are things?