Well, it's Easter yet again.... nearly the anniversary of this blog. Huzzah!
Well, it's a holiday anniversary, since this started on Easter. But Easter was in April last year.
Anywho, here's an appropriate Easter picture for the occasion.
So, there's a new Street Fighter movie in the works, and I can't say I'm pleased about this.
I never watched the first one, I simply refused to, however much I liked Raul Julia. It just looked way too ridiculous. And now this: the Legend of Chun Li. The movie follows Chun Li's story: her dad's death, job at Interpol, stuff as such....
Casting as follows:
Neal McDonough = M Bison ...... certainly no Raul Julia :(
Michael Clarke Duncan =Balrog ...... I'm actually pleased about this, he's got the look
Kristen Kreuk = Chun Li ..... what?
Sure... with enough makeup she could look Asian... but why is it so hard to hire an Asian girl to play an Asian part?
I don't know.... and honestly, I don't care. I don't plan on watching this movie either.
...that this is freaking fabulous! Totally got the position! ::high fives herself:: I'm well on my way to being something interesting.
Sayonara, book store manager! Aloha, parajournalist!
Hah, I enjoy how parajournalist sounds super fancy and most people don't even know what it means.
Basically, I'm in charge of information and facts and such....
I will go mad with my limited amount of power over the information! Muahahhahahaahahaa!
Current Movie Recommendations:
88 Minutes : it has Al Pacino looking freaked out with a side of forensic science
the Bank Job : it has Jason Statham and explosions... yum!
the Other Boleyn Girl : it has Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn; I love Tudor period anythings
Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day : someone gets punched... fun!
Things that I find weird:
People who actually say 'LOL' outloud. I don't mind if you write it. That's cool... but then you actually say it and I'm just.... *sigh*
Things that make me smile:
kittens, flowers, books, video games, crabs, jellyfish,shiny things, things with big eyes
Things that bother me:
spiders, Veggie Tales, Lucky Star only having a Region 2 release, bad remakes, chicken on the bone, bridges, being hungry
So, currently pursuing a job at a newspaper. I suppose I should do something with my Journalism degree, hah! While the job I'm currently trying for is an entry level position and is a $1.50 cut in current pay, it would be a job I could proudly say that I work in.... rather than "Hi, I'm Rose. I'm a book store manager." :/ And while it's entry level, I could quickly be promoted to a not-entry position and get paid a million dollars a year..... well, perhaps not a whole million.
...sometimes it shouldn't be done.
Granted, there are some really decent, sometimes even really good, ones out there. But on the other hand, there are really terrible things and well..... I don't know if scientists have perfected the ability to unsee things yet.
Now, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy some remakes, so I can't just generalize the whole remake genre. Surprisingly, they're not all crap! Some are actually just as good (or possibly surpassed) their originals.
Ring(novel)/Ringu(Japan)/the Ring(US)--
What remake list wouldn't contain the famous Ring series? I enjoyed both movies and the novel. I found the largest change to be the jump from the novel to the original movie.
Ju On(Japan)/the Grudge(US)--
I loved the Ju On series, both theatre and TV. They actually gave me chills. However, the US remake(which I went to see only out of sick curiosity) made me want to vomit in my mouth. I suppose that's a bit harsh... it had a few points... however, it was just rehashed scenes instead of being original through use of used scenes. I throughly didn't like the remake.
the Eye(China)/the Eye(US)--
I liked the original Eye, it was interesting. However, through my immense hatred of Jessica Alba, I refuse to watch the remake. It might be decent, but I would be too busy mentally crushing Alba's skull instead of paying attention to the movie.
Wanted(graphic novel)/Wanted(movie)--
This is what infuriates me the most. I've read the graphic novel and it was a weird ride. I understand taking artistic license and, while basing a movie on a book, things are bound to get changed (re: Harry Potter, etc.) But this... the whole premise of the story was changed. It's no longer the Wanted story, but now some action movie that's stripped the Wanted story's skin off, threw it on and is now parading itself as the Wanted-based-movie with Angelina "mushy lips" Jolie in it. However, it's got Morgan Freeman in it, so it might actually be some sort of interesting.
British comedy is something that I grew up on, with the three main contenders being: Monty Python as an adolescent, Absolutely Fabulous as a teen and Coupling as a twenty-something. When I found out that Coupling was being remade in the US, I was less than enthusiastic. I couldn't see the US version pulling off the same smart/funny that the UK version did. And I was right: the US version was canceled after 4 episodes.
Speaking of UK to US shows: Sanford and Son started out as a UK show called Steptoe and Son.
Silent Hill(game)/Silent Hill(movie)--
So far, Silent Hill has the best video game to movie transition to date. Granted, the film does have it's flaws, but it also had a lot of good points. I applauded the use of the games' soundtrack, the nurses, the shots that brought scenes of the games to mind, the appearance of Pyramid Head and the main character's name being 'Rose' :)
A Tale of Two Sisters is being remade and I don't know what I'm to think about that. A Tale of Two Sisters is one of my favorite movies. It's a Korean movie about (you guessed it) two sisters. The cinematography and the lush color is certainly what caught my eye first about this movie. I'm just not sure that the US remake is going to be able to bring that same combo of intensity and subtlety over.