In a slight attempt to be remotely professional (when the fancy strikes me), I'll be placing some of my editorials and feature stories and even short stories up for your viewing pleasure. First up is my editorial about parking on campus. I tried to keep most of my opinion out and just give information, but not surprisingly, it smacks with my annoyed wit.
It’s the fall semester, which means many things: back to school, leaves changing colors (except in the southern part of the United States), temperatures dropping and football. While to some, football is synonymous with a good time, others find it an indirect source of trouble.
On the campus of the University of Southern Mississippi, students have to give up their parking for football attendees. Entire parking lots are cleared out under threat of booting and towing. Even though most games are hosted during the weekend, it still inconveniences students that reside on-campus.
Black and Gold Boulevard serves as a parking lot mainly for three residence halls: Scott, Bond and Vann. Bond and Vann are male and Scott is female. This street and the Vann parking lot are cleared of students’ cars for the game, leaving only the parking lot behind Bond, North Bond lot, open for students. Unfortunately, this parking lot isn’t open only to students. It’s also open to attendees as well. This parking lot is not large enough to house the cars of three residence halls and football attendees.
Many women from Scott Hall have to find parking elsewhere on campus, far away from the safety of their residence hall. With the sexual assaults that were reported last semester, now is a crucial time to have women’s security as a priority.
Aka -- I'm tired of having to park on the other side of campus and trek to my dorm at night. I do have mace, but I'm pretty sure I'd just end up macing myself.
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