While at work, I got a small cake, some loose tea, a hand-made mug and some chocolate.
After work, I got a book, two movies off of my Amazon wishlist
Drove 1 1/2 hours to attend a cat show and shop at a store that no longer exists.
The cat show was lovely. However, getting there wasn't.
The cat show was in a convention center... that many people in the town didn't know existed. AWESOME!
So, I used my excellent deducting skills and decided that the best people that would help who be of people of commerce.
To the Mall we go!
Which worked out, I got candy, did a little Christmas shopping and found out that the convention center did exist.
And was full of adorable cats and kittens. My favorites are the exotic shorthairs (like above). They are so sweet with their smooshie faces. And they always looked surprised or really sweet.
Drove to Jackson to visit the parents and my sister, who's birthday is the 10th.
Got some more presents and good food.
Let's see what today brings.