...that's me!
I enjoy being plump. I have lovely curves, breasts that can be used as a deadly weapon and a vintage-y hourglass figure.
However, I think I'm getting a little too plump.
The average American woman's size is between 10 and 14, and i flux in between 12 and 14 depending on style and cut.
Yet, according to my BMI thingy, I'm easily 30-40 pounds overweight. Which didn't bother me until I tried to put on a pair of pinstripe pants I love. And I couldn't button them.
Then I grabbed a grey pinstripe pair, and they were.... well, a bit tight in the crotch. So, I grabbed yet another pair of pants, same size as the grey pair, and they don't quite fit in a different way. These are trying to fall off my hips.
The thing is, these two pair of pants are the same size. The grey pinstripe is from Old Navy and the latter pair is from Gap.
You'd think the fit would be the other way around.
Gap is all about lanky, stick figures and Old Navy has a bit more relaxed look. Yet, I'm uncomfortable in an Old Navy pair and I'm struggling to keep my Gap pants on.
This does not compute.
Also, a non answer is not an answer at all. You know who you are.
News: The Tudors will have a third season! Rock!
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